The number one action performed when something awesome has been done, is a high five. It is therefore extremely important to know how to high five.
Remember: A person who does not know how to high five is not an awesome person (unless that person does not have hands, and is not able to high five)
5 ways to high five
The regular
How to: just a regular normal speed and normal power high five
When it's appropriate: can be used all the time, but should for the most part be used when something slightly awesome happens, for example when you or your friend removes another person's chair when they're about to sit down.
Low five
How to: a silent and slow high five below the chest
When it's appropriate: whenever something awesome happens and you find yourself in a place where you're supposed to be silent, for example when you're at a library and you manage to land a clean and silent backfilp.
The turn around
How to: high five with great power at about stomache height, and then immediately turn your back to your fellow high fiver
When it's appropriate: whenever you do something awesome that requires great power, for example when you play volleyball and score a killer smash.
The Top Gun aka around the world
How to: this is kind of a complicated high five; you start out by walking against each other and high five up top first and then as you have passed your fellow high fiver, you high five down low backwards.
When it's appropriate: whenever you do something awesome and one of your friends just happened to pass by, for example if you managed to get a girl or a guy's number and your friends just happened to see it.
The airborne
How to: both you and your fellow high fiver must be airborne during the high five and you must high five with slightly over average power.
When it's appropriate: whenever both you and a friend do something awesome, for example when you and a friend manage to take out a team of ten in paintball all by yourselves.
More ways of high fiving coming up!
Lastly a video of awesome high fiving:
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