Psy's K-Pop hit, Gangnam Style has taken YouTube, and now the world by storm. Love or hate the song, there is just no way you'll watch the music video only once.

If you're anything like our interns here at WonderHowTo, you've been wanting to learn the Gangnam Style dance steps to impress (scare?) your friends. Unfortunately the shaky camera work makes it hard to follow along.
Learn the Horse-Riding Dance Directly from PSY
TMZ caught PSY on the street and got him to teach them the main steps to the horsey dance. If it's too fast for you to follow, we have a slow motion version lower down on the page.
Video Tutorials for All the Gangnam Style Dance Steps
For the rest of the steps, we found the talented Tammy Mejia from the London KPop Dance Workshop (or LoKo) to walk you through all the steps. For another video tutorial on the steps including steps for some of the backup dancers, the second video in the gallery below shows Matt, Dana, and Andy of Dance Tutorials Live's tutorial. With the stable front-view camera angle, it's easy to learn all the moves to dance the Gangnam Style as convincingly as Psy himself.
Just watch the videos & follow along. Enjoy!
Slow-Motion Video of All the Steps
If you're having trouble following along, here's a slow-motion version of all the dance steps to help you learn some of the faster moves.
Backup Dancers
Or, if you'd prefer a more group oriented approach, showing all the backup dancers, a number of dance studios all over the world are teaching classes on it. Here are are a few of our favorites.
English Translation
For those of you wondering what the words mean, redditor gyrfalcons came up with the following translation:
"Oppa's Gangnam style
Gangnam style
A girl who is warm and human by day
A classy girl who knows how to relax with a cup of coffee
A girl whose heart heats up by night
A girl with that kind of twist
I'm a guy
A guy who is as warm as you by day
A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down
A guy whose heart bursts by night
That kind of guy
Beautiful, lovely
Yeah you, hey, yeah exactly you, hey
Beautiful, lovely
Yeah you, hey, yeah exactly you, hey
Shall we take it to the limit?
Oppa's Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Heyyy sexy lady, Oppa's Gangnam style
Heyyy sexy lady oh oh oh oh
A girl who looks quiet but who gets down when she gets down
A girl who lets her hair loose when she feels it's the right time
A girl who keeps covered but is sexier than girls who expose it all
A sensual girl like that
I'm a guy
A guy who seems calm but who gets down when he gets down
A guy who goes completely crazy when it's the right time
A guy whose ideas bulge bigger than his muscles
That kind of guy
Beautiful, lovely
Yeah you, hey, yeah exactly you, hey
Beautiful, lovely
Yeah you, hey, yeah exactly you, hey
Shall we take it to the limit?
Oppa's Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Heyyy sexy lady, Oppa's Gangnam style
Heyyy sexy lady oh oh oh oh
Above the man that runs, is the man that flies , baby baby
I'm a guy who knows a thing or two
Above the man that runs, is the man that flies, baby baby
I'm a guy who knows a thing or two
You know what I'm sayin'
Oppa's Gangnam style
Heyyy sexy lady, Oppa's Gangnam style
Heyyy sexy lady oh oh oh oh"
PSY Explains What Gangnam Style Is All About
During PSY's appearance on VH1 Morning Buzz, he talked about his surprise to see how big Gangnam Style has become. He went on to contextualize the meaning behind the words, for people from the US.
Gangnam is specific area in Korea, like Beverly Hills in the US. So, it's basically about a guy who doesn't look like he's from Beverly Hills, but he just keeps talking about Beverly Hills and trying to act like he's from there. Jump to 0:44 in the video below to hear his explanation and see him briefly go over the basic steps.
The "Making of" Video
It looks like they had a lot of fun making the video too.
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